Sunday, October 30, 2011

“Superhero Sunday”

This morning I awoke from such a cool dream!!!  I was a Japanese anime girl and I was flying very quickly through the story of my life.  The whole dream only lasted a few minutes but it was VIVID with detail! 

Here’s the story:  As a very young girl I was beaten and abused.  Right at the point that I was going to loose all hope, I was rescued by a band of men.  They trained me to be a contract killer.  I was good at it because I was so angry at what had been done to me.  After a few years I was done being angry and I didn’t want to kill anymore.  I just wanted to be free.  But the men had made me and owned me now and I would be killed if I did not continue to work for them.  So I got creative.  Over the next few years I developed my psychic gifts, learned to listen to my instincts, and opened my heart no matter how hard it was.  I had a knack for knowing my next victims before they were assigned to me and I would get to them right at the point that they were about to loose all hope and turn down a dark path and I would LOVE them.  It became my gift and stealth mission to get to my victims at the moments they would turn “bad” and lighten their spirits and lift their hearts enough that they wouldn’t go down the path of getting assigned to me to assassinate them later.  Eventually I trained other girls to be undercover superheroes and together we joined forces to eradicate the heartbreak that would lead someone to forgetting their essence, turning dark, and eventually getting killed.  Our “JOB” was to spread delight (the light) and eventually I made my contract killing job obsolete and was set free not because I fought for my freedom but created a whole new reality where the old job could no longer exist. 

I woke up feeling light and happy and laughing at how fun it all was and thought, “My word!  All the love and light and FUN after such a dark history.”  But isn’t that true and possible for all of us?  How many of us have NOT suffered in some way or another?  And then there is the collective “women’s story” in here.  From victim to power but the power is force.  And then opening our hearts and finding our REAL power is love and the creation of possibilities.  The women and the girls were saving the children before they lost all hope!  I love that and I know that women know HOW to do that when we are awake and paying attention and activating all of our gifts!!  We can find heartbreak and comfort it and love it before its turns into anger and rage and rampant evil.   

Anger is powerful but love is stronger.  Activate your love, Superwomen!!  Up the voltage!!  And lets let ‘em have it!!!

Y’all are de light full.  ;)


1 comment:

  1. Love this: "Anger is powerful but love is stronger. Activate your love, Superwoman!!" Thanks for the article!
