Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Choose Love!!"

It was an honor to attend the Global Women’s Summit today and I was so thrilled to be sharing the space with such an amazing group of women who each represented circles of women connected to other women… and working together to support women everywhere in rising up and claiming their voice, and their brilliance, and above all their strength through unity and sisterhood. 

We don’t realize how powerful we are and alone on our individual paths we can tend lack confidence.  But when we are in a room together with other people committed to being a part of creating a world where there is no warfare anymore and to the dream of eventually creating poverty museums there is a miraculous thing that happens.  Cells realign.  DNA shifts and thoughts of “I’m not good enough” turn into thoughts of “You better believe I’m enough!  And I’m with HER and HER and HER and we got love in SPADES for the raising of this whole PLANET!  How’s THAT for ENOUGH?!”  It’s really quite miraculous. 

There is a rebirthing happening on this planet in each of us and in all of us for we are all one.  Something is disintegrating and something is birthing.  Times are changing and it can feel terrifying and tenuous… But love is strong and love is creative.  I loved that Mariane Williamson said today, “If you’re not grieving… then you’re not alive.  And if you’re not celebrating every morning all that is possible now… then you’re not alive either.”  

Yesterday was the end of the Mayan calendar.  I believe we are all feeling it at some not fully conscious level.  Was it all supposed to end?  Well it didn’t.  Here we still are but we are on the edge.  Riding a line.  Working to tip the scales.  And wondering what we can do. 

I say, start with love.  Start with kindness.  Start with appreciating your own brilliant light.  And gather your community!  Tell each other stories.  Weave your lives into theirs.  Tell each other your dreams and stand in support of each other’s dreams emerging.  Far more of us are ready to support each other then tear each other down.  Go for it!  Grab a hold of your own precious life and grab a hold of the people in your life as well.  Stand for them.  Love them.  Discover what it means to be connected, vulnerable, seen, and loved.   Choose love.  Choose each other.  And expect the miraculous. 

I stand with you.  My heart with yours.

Much love~

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